Every employee and people working on the Organisation behalf has the responsibility and shares a critical responsibility for raising concerns or report in good faith about actual, potential or perceived:
- with respect of this ISO 18788:2015 standard; or
- violation of international standard and local laws or human rights;
- unethical behaviour;
- malpractices;
- unethical behaviour; and
- other relevant complaints and grievances.
The Organisation understand that employees and people working on our behalf may not report compliance concerns if they feel that that will be subject to retaliation or retribution for reporting the concern.
The Organisation is committed to a policy that encourages timely disclosure of compliance concerns and prohibits any action directed against an employee, manager or staff member or person working on its behalf for making a good faith report of a concern.
Retaliation for good faith reporting of perceived or suspected or actual violations of law, regulation, or Organisation policies or procedures, or for participation in an investigation of an alleged violation is strictly prohibited.
The Organisation will not tolerate or condone any form of retaliation, retribution or harassment against its employees (regardless of position held, whether full time or part time, permanent or temporary) or people working on its behalf for making good faith reports of threatened, on-going, past or suspected non-conformance.
No Organisation employee or people working on the Organisation behalf shall retaliate in any way against a person for making a complaint, testifying, assisting, or participating in any manner in an investigation or complaint proceeding and shall be subject to appropriate discipline up to and including termination and prosecution in accordance with applicable civil service rules.
Retaliatory actions which are prohibited include intimidation, threats, coercion, or discrimination against any such individual. Any person may report retaliation to the ethics@activesecurity.com.my.
Complaints of retaliation will be investigated by the Organisation under the same complaint processes and standards which applied to the original underlying complaint referred to in the Organisation Complaint and Grievance Procedure and Incident monitoring reporting and investigation Procedure respectively.